Knowledge of Existence

René Descartes (1596 - 1650)

Descartes believed that he could prove his experience using logical reasoning alone

Essentially his idea was that if you can follow his method of systematic doubt - which involves doubting everything you learn from experience or your senses - then you must exist. Because you can't doubt or question your own existence unless something exists to do the doubting or questioning.

  • Also see this Wikipedia article on Cartesian doubt if you want to read more on this topic

Descartes and God

Not only did Descartes claim he could prove your own existence, but he also claimed he could prove the existence of God using logic/reasoning

His ontological argument for the existence of God, for example, went like this:

  1. Our idea of God is of a perfect being
  2. It's more perfect to exist than not to exist
  3. Therefore, God must exist