Superlative adjectives in Spanish


Superlative adjectives are used to compare three or more nouns. They are often used to talk about the most or the least of something.

Adjectives are used to compare and contrast nouns in Spanish in comparisons of equality, comparisons of inequality, and in superlatives. These notes focus on superlatives.

Forming Superlative Adjectives

To form superlative adjectives in Spanish, you will use a formula very similar to that used to form comparative adjectives, with the important addition of the definite article.

Regular Superlative Adjectives

The formulas for forming regular superlative adjectives are found below.

Regular Superlative Formulas
Most formula: definite article (el, la, los, las) + más + adjective
Least formula: definite article (el, la, los, las) + menos + adjective

Mi madre es la más inteligente de la familia.
My mother is the most intelligent one in the family.
Mi hermano es el menos responsable de la familia.
My brother is the least responsible one in the family.

Irregular Superlative Adjectives

For adjectives that have single-word comparative and superlative forms, such as mejor (best) and peor (worst), you do not use más or menos.

The formulas for forming irregular superlative adjectives are found below.

Irregular Superlative Formula
definite article (el, la, los, las) + superlative adjective

Mi padre es el mayor de sus hermanos.
My father is the oldest of his brothers.
Esta película es la mejor de todas.
This movie is the best of all of them.

Here are some examples of very common irregular superlative adjectives:

Adjective Superlative Form English
viejo mayor oldest
grande mayor biggest/largest
joven menor youngest
pequeño menor smallest
bueno mejor best
mal peor worst

-ísimo Adjectives

You can also add -ísimo to an adjective (and even some adverbs) to talk about an extreme degree of something.

This handy suffix may be translated as very, really, extremely, super, and quite.

¡Esta comida es buenísima!
This food is the best!
Las chicas allí son bellísimas.
Those girls over there are really beautiful.

Below you will find a list of useful -ísimo adjectives:

Adjective English -ísimo Adjective English
cómico funny comiquísimo really hilarious
blanco white blanquísimo very white
fresco fresh fresquísimo super fresh
largo long larguísimo very long
amargo bitter amarguísimo really bitter
antiguo old antiquísimo very old
agradable nice agradabilísimo really nice
feliz happy felicísimo extremely happy
caliente hot calentísimo really hot

-bilísimo Adjectives

The suffix -ble tends to change to -bil when used with -ísimo.

Adjective -bilísimo Adjective English
agradable agradabilísimo really nice
amable amabilísimo really nice
notable notabilísimo really outstanding
miserable misirabilísimo really miserable

-císimo Adjectives

When an adjective ends in -n, -dor, or -or, -ísimo usually changes to -císimo.

Adjective -císimo Adjective English
inferior inferiorcísimo quite inferior
hablador habladorcísimo very talkative
joven jovencísimo very young

-érrimo Adjectives

Many qualitative adjectives that have an r in the final syllable do not always take the -ísimo ending, but instead take the -érrimo ending.

Adjective -érrimo Adjective English
célebre acérrimo extremely famous
libre libérrima extremely free
salubre salubérrima extremely healthy