Negative Informal Tú Commands


There are many different types of Spanish commands, including affirmative tú commands, formal commands, indirect commands, nosotros commands, and negative tú commands.

We'll take a look at negative tú commands in these notes. ¡No te espantes! (Don't freak out!)


Negative informal commands, also called negative commands, are used to tell a friend, family member the same age as you or younger, classmate, child, or pet not to do something.

No compres la camisa.
Do not buy the shirt.
No aprendas español.
Do not learn Spanish.
¡No escribas el ensayo!
Do not write the essay!

Always make sure you put no or another negative word like nunca (never) in front of the verb when forming a negative informal command.

Negative Informal Imperative Forms

The negative informal imperative, yet another term used to describe negative tú commands, is formed differently than the affirmative informal imperative.

It is actually formed much like the negative formal imperative in that it uses the present subjunctive form of the verb.

If you already know the formal command forms, you can simply add an s to the end of the formal command to form a negative informal command.

Infinitive Negative Formal Command Negative Informal Command
comprar no compre no compres
aprender no aprenda no aprendas
escribir no escriba no escribas

Irregular Negative Informal Commands

If a verb is irregular in the present subjunctive, its negative informal command form maintains the same irregularity.

No hagas la tarea.
Don't do the homework.
No seas injusto.
Don't be unfair.

Pronoun Placement

In negative informal commands, the pronoun goes between the negative word (like no or nunca) and the verb.

Nunca les compres dulces a los niños.
Never buy candy for the children.
Nunca se los compres.
Never buy it for them.