Understanding Spanish accents and stresses


Apart from a very few cases where the diaresis (e.g. ü) is used, there is only one written accent in Spanish (á) and this is used in the following circumstances:

  • To show that a word does not follow the rules of natural stress;
  • To differentiate between words which are spelt the same;
  • In interrogatives and exclamations

Rules of natural stress

If a word ends in an -n, -s or a vowel, the stress naturally falls on the penultimate (last but one) syllable:

Spanish English
palabra word
juguetes toys
compran they buy

If a word ends in any other sound, the stress naturally falls on the last syllable:

Spanish English
pared wall
feliz happy


Words that follow these rules of natural stress do not require a written accent (or stress mark), but if the word is pronounced in a way that does not follow these natural rules then a stress mark must be put on the vowel in the stressed syllable:

Spanish English
lápiz pencil
inglés English

Some words require a stress mark in the singular but not in the plural, since by making the word plural it now ends in an -s, resulting in the natural stress now falling on the appropriate syllable: inglés - ingleses


The situation outlined above is fairly straightforward, but when two or more vowels occur together in a word you will need to understand the rules about diphthongs in order to work out the stress.

  • A diphthong is a sound made by combining two vowels

Vowels are divided into strong and weak vowels – a, e and o are 'strong' vowels and u and i are 'weak' vowels

When a weak vowel occurs together with another vowel, they form a diphthong, which counts as only one syllable

If the weak vowel is next to a strong vowel, the stress falls on the strong vowel e.g. piedra (stone) has two syllables: pie-dra

If both vowels are weak, the stress falls on the second vowel in the diphthong e.g. viuda (widow)

If, however, two strong vowels occur together they form two separate syllables e.g. ateo (atheist) has three syllables: a-te-o

Differentiating between words

Sometimes stress marks are used to differentiate between two words that are spelt and pronounced in exactly the same way:

Without Accent With Accent
el (the) él (he)
si (if) sí (yes)
tu (your) tú (you)

Interrogatives and exclamations

When certain words are used as interrogatives (questions) or exclamations they require a stress mark, whereas they do not require a stress mark in other circumstances:

Spanish English
¿Qué? What?
¿Dónde? Where?
¿Cuándo? When?
¿Cómo? How?
¿Quién? Who?
¡Qué hermoso! How lovely!