Time Period of Oscillations


We can combine two of the equations that we used in the previous notes to produce a further equation that links the time period of the oscillations, T, to the mass of the oscillating particle, m, and the force per unit displacement, k

The two equations that define the motion of a simple hamonic oscillator that we need fom the earlier sections are equations (i) and (iv):

Time Period of Oscillations

Once you recognise that a particle is oscillating with SHM, you can use this general solution to calculate the time period of any oscillator


Time Period of Oscillations

Time Period of Oscillations

The Simple Pendulum

Time Period of Oscillations

On the left, this shows a pendulum held at rest by a small sideways force, F

The middle diagram shows the three forces acting on the bob to keep it in equilibrium

The force F = mgsinθ (simple trigonometry as the bottom left angle is a right angle). For small angles we have θ ≈ sinθ, and therefore F = mgθ

The third diagram shows that x can be related to the length of the pendulum, l, by x = ltanθ (simple trigonometry)

  • For small angles, we also have θ ≈ tanθ and therefore x = lθ and θ = x/l

Combining these equations gives: F = mgxl

When the pendulum is released, the restoring force now acts in the opposite direction. So:

Time Period of Oscillations

This is the defining equation for SHM because the acceleration is proportional to, and in the opposite direction to, the displacement. Therefore:

Time Period of Oscillations