Conservation of Linear Momentum


We use the term linear momentum when we refer to collisions (or explosions) that take place in one dimension i.e. along a straight line

Conservation of linear momentum

This shows a demonstration of a small one-dimensional explosion

  • The head of a match has been wrapped tightly in aluminium foil
  • A second match is used to heat the foil and the head of the first match, which ignites and explodes inside the foil
  • The gasses produced cause the foil to fly rapidly and the matchstick to fly in the opposite direction

In all collisions and explosions, both total energy and momentum are conserved, but kinetic energy is not always conserved

In this case, the chemical potential energy in the match head is transferred to the kinetic energy of the foil and matchstick, and also into thermal, light and sound energy

As the match head explodes, Newton's third law of motion tells us that both the matchstick and foil experience equal and opposite forces

  • Since the forces act for the same time interval, both the matchstick and foil experience equal and opposite impulses, F▵t

Since F▵t = ▵(mv), it follws that the foil exactly the same positive momentum as the matchstick gains negative momentum

We can now do a vector sum to find the total momentum after the explosion:

Conservation of linear momentum

So there is conservation of momentum: tht total momentum of the foil and matchstick was zero before the explosion, and the combined momentum of the foil and matchstick is zero after the explosion

Collision on an air track

Collision experiments can be carried out using gliderson linear air tracks

These can demonstrate the conservation of linear momentum

The air blowing out of small holes in the track lifts the gliders so that frictionoal forces are very small

Conservation of linear momentum

Conservation of linear momentum