Momentum and Energy


In collisions between two or more bodies, both momentum and energy are conserved

However, the total kinetic energy of the bodies does not always stay the same because the kinetic energy can be transferred to other types of energy

Colllisions in which the kinetic energy of the particles is the same after the collision as it was before are described as elastic

Collisions in which kinetic energy is transferred to other forms of energy are described as inelastic

Most collisions on a large scale are inelastic, but collisions between atomic particles are often elastic

Some useful equations

Although momentum and kinetic energy are very different quantities, they are linked by some useful equations.

Momentum and energy

It is important to remember that momentum is a vector quantity and kinetic energy is a scalar quantity

  • We give momentum a direction: for example, +p to the right and -p to the left
  • A vehicle travelling with momentum p has as much kinetic energy when travelling to the right as it does to the left

Momentum and energy

When a vector is squared, it becomes a scalar quantity