Spanish Preterite Stem Changes


Some Spanish preterite verbs undergo changes in the stem when conjugated.

Others undergo more drastic spelling changes or are simply considered irregular.

In these notes, we'll take a look at some common verbs with tricky preterite conjugations, including:

  • Stem-changing -ir verbs
  • Verbs with stems ending in a vowel
  • Verbs with j preterite stems
  • Verbs with uv preterite stems
  • Verbs with u preterite stems
  • Verbs with i preterite stems
  • The irregular verbs ser, ir, dar and ver

Looking for an introduction to the past tense in Spanish? Check out our article on Spanish preterite tense forms.

Stem-changing -ir Verbs


Verbs ending in -ir that undergo stem changes in the present tense also under go stem changes in the preterite.

These verbs have a stem change in the second person formal singular (usted), third person singular (él, ella) and third and second person plural (ellos, ellas and ustedes) forms.

These changes fall into two types:

  • e to i, as in the verbs sentir (to feel) and pedir (to ask for)
  • o to u, as in the verb dormir (to sleep)

Check out the conjugations for examples of these verb types below, paying careful attention the él, ella, usted and ellos, ellas, ustedes translations.

Preterite Conjugations of Sentir, Pedir, and Dormir

Subject sentir (to feel) pedir (to order) dormir (to sleep)
yo sentí pedí dormí
sentiste pediste dormiste
él, ella, usted sintió pidío durmío
nosotros sentimos pedimos dormimos
vosotros sentisteis pedisteis dormisteis
ellos, ellas, ustedes sintieron pidieron durmieron

¡Ojo! (Careful!) Reír and sonreír also have stem changes in the preterite. Check out the conjugations for these verbs below.

Preterite Conjugations of Reír and Sonreír

Subject reír (to laugh) sonreír (to smile)
yo reí sonreí
reíste sonreíste
él, ella, usted rió sonrió
nosotros reímos sonreímos
vosotros reísteis sonreísteis
ellos, ellas, ustedes rieron sonrieron

Here are examples of other verbs with the spelling changes described above.

Spanish English
conseguir to get
despedirse to say goodbye
divertirse to have fun
morir to die
repetir to repeat
servir to serve, to function
sugerir to suggest
vestirse to get dressed

Verbs with j Preterite Stems


The majority of verbs ending in -ducir, as well as the verbs decir and traer, take a j in the preterite in all forms

In addition, the ellos, ellas, and ustedes forms of these verbs end in -eron instead of -ieron.

Check out the conjugations below for examples of these verb types.

Preterite Conjugations of Conducir and Traducir

Subject conducir (to lead) traducir (to translate)
yo conduje traduje
condujiste tradujiste
él, ella, usted condujo tradujo
nosotros condujimos tradujimos
vosotros condujisteis tradujisteis
ellos, ellas, ustedes condujeron tradujeron

Preterite Conjugations of Decir and Traer

Subject decir (to say) traer (to bring)
yo dije traje
dijiste trajiste
él, ella, usted dijo trajo
nosotros dijimos trajimos
vosotros dijisteis trajisteis
ellos, ellas, ustedes dijeron trajeron

Verbs with Stems Ending in a Vowel


Verbs that have stems ending in a vowel + -er or -ir take a y in the él, ella, usted and ellos, ellas, ustedes forms.

  • Verbs ending in a silent vowel + -er or -ir (like seguir) do not undergo this change.

Check out the conjugations below for examples of these verb types.

Preterite Conjugations of Caer, Leer, Roer, Oír, and Concluir

Subject caer (to fall) leer (to read) roer (to nibble) oír (to hear) concluir (to conclude)
yo caí leí roí concluí
caíste leíste roíste oíste concluiste
él, ella, usted cayó leyó royó oyó concluyó
nosotros caímos leímos roímos oímos concluimos
vosotros caísteis leísteis roísteis oísteis concluisteis
ellos, ellas, ustedes cayeron leyeron royeron oyeron concluyeron

Verbs that end in -uir, like concluir, construir, and incluir, do not have accents on their tú, nosotros or vosotros forms.

Verbs with uv Preterite Stems


Some common irregular verbs follow similar patterns in the preterite.

For example, tener, andar, and estar all have preterite stems with uv.

Preterite Conjugations for Andar, Estar, and Tener

Subject andar (to walk) estar (to be) tener (to have)
yo anduve estuve tuve
anduviste estuviste tuviste
él, ella, usted anduvo estuvo tuvo
nosotros anduvimos estuvimos tuvimos
vosotros anduvisteis estuvisteis tuvisteis
ellos, ellas, ustedes anduvieron estuvieron tuvieron

Verbs with u Preterite Stems


These common irregular verbs swap the first vowel in the infinitive form to make a new preterite stem with u.

Check out the conjugations below for examples of these verb types.

Preterite Conjugations of Caber, Haber, Poder, Poner, and Saber

Subject caber (to fit) haber (to have) poder (to be able to) poner (to put) saber (to know)
yo cupe hube pude puse supe
cupiste hubiste pudiste pusiste supiste
él, ella, usted cupo hubo pudo puso supo
nosotros cupimos hubimos pudimos pusimos supimos
vosotros cupisteis hubisteis pudisteis pusisteis supisteis
ellos, ellas, ustedes cupieron hubieron pudieron pusieron supieron

Caber, poner, and saber have extra spelling changes in the preterite:

  • caber: the b changes to a p.
  • poner: the n changes to an s.
  • saber: the b changes to a p.

Verbs with i Preterite Stems


These common irregular verbs swap the first (or, in the case of querer, the second) vowel in the infinitive form to make a new preterite stem with i.

Check out the conjugations below for examples of these verb types.

Preterite Conjugations of Hacer, Querer, and Venir

Subject hacer (to do) querer (to want) venir (to come)
yo hice quise vine
hiciste quisiste viniste
él, ella, usted hizo quiso vino
nosotros hicimos quisimos vinimos
vosotros hicisteis quisisteis vinisteis
ellos, ellas, ustedes hicieron quisieron vinieron

In the él, ella and usted forms of hacer, the c changes to a z.

All preterite forms of querer swap the first r for an s.

The Irregular Verbs Ser, Ir, Dar, and Ver

The following irregular preterite forms are ones you've just got to memorize.

Preterite Conjugations of Ser, Ir, Dar, and Ver

Subject ser (to be) ir (to go) dar (to give) ver (to see)
yo fui fui di vi
fuiste fuiste diste viste
él, ella, usted fue fue dio vio
nosotros fuimos fuimos dimos vimos
vosotros fuisteis fuisteis disteis visteis
ellos, ellas, ustedes fueron fueron dieron vieron

Looking for more on the preterite? Check out our articles on the preterite vs. the imperfect, verbs with meaning changes in the preterite, and spelling changes in the preterite.