Solving Cubic and Quartic Equations


You can generalise the rule for the roots of quadratic equations to any polynominal with real coefficients

If f(z) is a polynominal with real coefficients, and z1 is a root of f(z) = 0, then z1* is also a root of f(z) = 0

  • Note: if z1 is real, then z1* = Z1

You can use this property to find roots of cubic and quartic equations with real coefficients

An equation of the form az3 + bz2 + cz + d = 0 is called a cubic equation and has three roots

For a cubic equation with real coefficients, either:

  • All three roots are real, or
  • One root is real and the other two form a complex conjugate pair


roots of cubics

roots of cubics

An equation of the form az4 + bz3 + cz2 + dz + e = 0 is called a quartic equation and has four roots

For a cubic equation with real coefficients, either:

  • All four roots are real, or
  • Two roots are real and the other two form a complex conjugate pair, or
  • Two roots form a complex conjugate pair and the other two form a complex conjugate pair

Watch out: a real valued quartic equation might have repeated roots or repeated complex roots

roots of quartics

roots of quartics

roots of quartics