Uses of Waves

Radio Waves

Radio waves are used to transmit both radio signals and terrestrial TV signals

  • Terrestrial television is a type of television broadcasting in which the television signal is transmitted by radio waves from the terrestrial (Earth-based) transmitter of a television station to a TV receiver having an antenna.

Radio waves are used because they travel long distances before being absorbed e.g. by building and trees

Longer wavelength radio waves can also spread out between hills (this is called diffraction)

Radio waves can also reflect off a layer of charged particles in the atmosphere (the ionosphere)

  • This allows us to send radio waves very long distances around the world


Microwaves are used for heating food - that is because most foods contain a lot of water molecules, which absorb the energy of microwaves

The energy causes the temperature of the food to increase

Microwaves are also used to communicate with satellites in space

  • That is because microwaves can pass through the Earth's atmosphere without being reflected or refracted


Infrared is emitted by electrical heaters and is also used to cook food in ovens

That is because the energy of infrared is easily absorbed by the surface of objects

The infrared from the heater is absorbed by objects in the room and this makes the room warmer

Infrared is also used in infrared cameras, which can check buildings for heat loss

Visible Light

A really important use of visible light is communication using fibre optics

Fibre optics

This shows a bunch of optical fibres - optical fibres are very thin strands of glass

We can transmit pulses of light down these fibres and use these pulses to carry informtion

Optical fibres are used to carry telephone and cable TV signals

Because visible light has a short wavelength, it can carry a great deal of information


A really important use of ultraviolet is in energy efficient lightbulbs

Energy efficient light bulb

Ultraviolet light is created inside the bulb

Because ultraviolet has a short wavelength, it carries more energy than visible light

The energy of the ultraviolet is absorbed by the internal surface of the bulb and it is convered to visible light

  • This requires much less energy than a normal bulb

Another use of ultraviolet is in sun tanning e.g. using a tanning bed

  • Remember that ultraviolet increases the risk of skin cancer and causes premature skin ageing

X-Rays and Gamma Rays

Both X rays and gamma rays are used for medical imaging

X-rays can be used to visualise broken bones

Gamma rays are used to detect cancers

Both x rays and gamma rays are very penetrative, meaning they can easily pass through body tissue

X-Rays are absorbed by bones, which is why we can see them on X-ray images

Both x-rays and gamma rays can also be used in medical treatments e.g. to treat cancer