Escape Velocity


The Earth has its atmosphere because the molecules of gas, moving around the planet, do not have enough kinetic energy to escape the Earth's gravitational pull

So, how fast does something have to move to escape Earth's surface?

When a fast moving object leaves the suface of a planet, we can write: decrease in kinetic energy = increase in gravitational potential energy

This assumes that the object is not affected by an atmosphere, and is in free fall - this is not a spacecraft with a rocket

The equation above can be written as:

The escape velocity

If the object is to just escape the pull of the planet, its speed, V2, will just reach zero at an infinite distance from the planet

This leads to the idea of escape velocity, which is the minimum velocity that an object must have at the surface of a planet in order to escape the pull of gravity of the planet using its own kinetic energy


The gravitational potential at the surface of a planet is given by:

The escape velocity

So the change in potential is:

The escape velocity

So the escape velocity for a planet can be calculated using:

The escape velocity

The escape velocity

Since air molecules travel at approximately 500ms-1 on the surface of the Earth, they travel well below the Earth's escape velocity