
The density of a material is a measure of the mass per unit volume.

It is given the symbol, p

Density is a useful quantity because it allows us to compare different materials

Density of materials


Density of materials

The large stainless steel globe is more massive than the small stainless steel ball bearing. The globe floats; the ball bearing does not. Why?

Density of materials


Aerogels have the lowest density of any solid. The following table compares the density of aerogel with other common materials

Density of materials

Aerogel has been used in aerospace industries as a very low-density insulation material

  • Aerogel is a good insulator because it traps air and prevents it from moving (if air can circulate it will transfer heat through convection currents)
  • NASA used aerogel on the Mars landers Spirit and Opportunity to provide thermal insulation of key components

The NASA Startdust mission used aerogel to capture particles from the tail of comet Wild 2

  • The very low density of the aerogel ensured that the comet dust particles were slowed down without being damaged
  • The insulating properties of aerogel also meant that the dust particles were protected from the heat generated during re-entry of the sample collector into the Earth's atmosphere
