Functions of the Cabinet in US Politics

Primary role of cabinet

Primary Constitutional role of cabinet is to advise the President on policy within areas covered by their departments.

Cabinet also deals with specific areas of national and international affairs

Raise and provide public money and oversee its proper expenditure

Impeach and try federal officers

Cabinet meetings

Cabinet meetings often receive criticism

Frequency of cabinet meetings can vary (Reagan had 36 in first year, whereas Clinton had 6 in his first year)

The frequency of the cabinet meetings often decreases throughout the presidency (Reagan had 36 in year 1, then 21, then 12, and finally 12 in his last year)

The cabinet provides a number of functions for the President:

  • Team spirit
  • Collegial appearance
  • Forum to debate policy
  • Check on legislation
  • Push for congressional action

Functions for Cabinet:

  • Resolve inter-departmental disputes
  • Networking
  • Opportunity to speak with the president