Civil Rights in US Politics


Civil Rights are the basic freedoms of citizens - these rights are mostly spelt out in the Constitution that guarantee the protection of persons, expression and property from arbitrary interference by the government.

Where/how are they protected

Constitution (Bill of Rights, e.g. freedom of expression in the 1st amendment)

Supreme Court (Brown v Board 1954)

State legislators (legislation of marijuana in Florida, same sex in California)

Congress (Civil Rights Act 1964, lily Ledbetter act 2009 for equal pay for women)

Pressure groups like the NRA (2nd amendment)

Presidential action (Obama gave amnesty to undocumented migrants)

Evidence they haven't been achieved

Lack of minority representation in the Senate (only 3 blacks in the Senate)

Lack of status for 12 million illegal immigrants

States (North Carolina bathroom laws, Ferguson riots 2014, Missouri)

Congress (Patriot Act 2001)

Constitution (equal rights amendment)

The Supreme Court (allowed voter ID law, Shelby v Holder 2013)

Executive overreach (Edward Snowden leaked spying culture, surveillance state)
