Expressing Emotions with the Subjunctive


The subjunctive (el subjuntivo) is one of three moods in Spanish, and it is often used to talk about emotions.


Many of the verbs and phrases that require the subjunctive fit into the acronym WEIRDO: Wishes, Emotions, Impersonal expressions, Recommendations, Doubt/Denial, and Ojalá

In these notes, we're going to take a look at emotions.


All sorts of emotion, including annoyance, anger, happiness, regret, sadness, fear, surprise, and ecstasy fall into this category.

In essence, any personal reaction to a situation is emotional.

The focus is not on a factual observation of a situation, but how it makes the subject feel. Since how a person feels is always subjective, you use the subjunctive.

Useful Verbs of Emotion

The following verbs are commonly used to express emotion.

Spanish English Spanish English
alegrarse de to be glad gustar to like
quejarse to complain encantar to be delighted
lamentar to regret sentir to feel
enojar to be angry maravillar to astonish
sorprender to surprise estar contento, enojado, triste, etc. to be glad, angry, sad, etc.
molestar to annoy temer to fear
tener miedo de que to be afraid that extrañarse que to be amazed that

Check out these examples of emotion verbs being used with the subjunctive.

Me alegro de que sonrías.
It makes me happy that you smile.
¿Les molesta que él escuche la música fuerte?
Does it bother you that he listens to loud music?
Siento mucho que no puedan venir a la fiesta.
I’m sorry that they can’t come to the party.

You can find more on the differences between the subjunctive and the indicative here!