Expressing Recommendations and Requests with the Subjunctive


The subjunctive (el subjuntivo) is one of three moods in Spanish, and it is often used to talk about emotions.


Many of the verbs and phrases that require the subjunctive fit into the acronym WEIRDO: Wishes, Emotions, Impersonal expressions, Recommendations, Doubt/Denial, and Ojalá

In these notes, we're going to take a look at recommendations and requests.


When a person recommends, suggests, wants, or asks another person to do (or not do) something, the subjunctive is used.

Useful Verbs of Recommendation

The following verbs are commonly used to give recommendations.

Spanish English Spanish English
aconsejar to advise proponer to suggest
sugerir to suggest decir to say
ordenar to order rogar to beg
dejar to let/allow exigir to demand
hacer to make/force insistir to insist
mandar to order prohibir to forbid
recomendar to recommend suplicar to beg

Check out these examples:

Mi doctor recomienda que beba más agua.
My doctor recommends I drink more water.
Suplico que mi hija tenga más cuidado.
I beg my daughter to be more careful.
Sugieren que leas este libro.
They suggest you read this book.
Dicen que veamos esa película.
They say we should watch that movie.

Note that the word que is used to separate the recommender from the recommendation in the sentences above.